Purifying water for drinking is one of the best ways to protect the health and well-being of your family. Drinking water contamination does NOT have to be a problem in your household. This article will explain what the best way of purifying water for drinking at home is so you can assure that your tap water is safe enough to consume.

A quality water purification system for your home can be one of the cheapest ways to supply clean, healthy water to your family. There are various types of filtration systems to choose from, but some obviously work better than others. Here’s a list of the most common ways of purifying water for drinking, explaining why each of them are worth using or not:

*Point-of-Use Distillation – A process that passes water over a heated coil, causing it to vaporize and become gaseous. It’s later converted back to a liquid after it passes through a cooling chamber. This method can effectively remove inorganic compounds like lead, calcium, and magnesium but it’s not too good at removing organic chemicals because they vaporize at much lower temperatures than water does.

*Reverse Osmosis – exposes water under pressure to a semi permeable membrane with a very fine pore structure. Most contaminants are molecularly larger than water is so they are rejected by the membrane. However, beneficial minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron are also removed which are bodies are use to getting from water to help it function properly. They also require expensive maintenance and high water pressure to work properly.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4581139