Cosmetic Dentistry Growing in Popularity During the Covid Pandemic

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

It’s not too often that you will hear COVID-19 described as “perfect” in any way, but it has, in fact, provided a perfect opportunity for cosmetic dentistry to grow in popularity during the covid pandemic.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, interest in procedures such as tooth whitening has been showing a significant rise. There are a variety of reasons why people are choosing this time to explore their options for cosmetic dentistry. As more and more people get vaccinated, and the Government eases COVID-19 restrictions and rules, the social resurgence has put one major focus on one thing; what’s been hiding behind the masks.


One simple reason is that being at home more, people are noticing their appearance more. Some are fretting over real or potential weight gain and others are using their time to become more active and get in better shape. Both ends of the spectrum are looking at themselves with a more critical eye and seeing areas that they would like to improve.

Additionally, work meetings, school classes, and social gatherings have migrated to an online environment. Having a sunny smile in Sunbury when meeting with friends or co-workers in person, we can communicate in several non-verbal ways, through our style of dress, body language, and more. Now that so much communication is taking place online, some of those visual cues are not.

The focus of our communication online is, therefore, centred on our facial expressions, making our smiles more important than ever before. As a result, many of us are now paying more attention to our smiles and finding things that we either previously overlooked or didn’t consider significant enough to warrant a corrective procedure. A crooked tooth may not have been particularly bothersome in the past, but when it’s front and centre during a business meeting, there is more incentive to correct it.


In many ways, this might seem like a less-than-ideal time for a cosmetic procedure. Over the past several months, many people and businesses have found themselves tightening their belts due to financial difficulties. In other cases, however, money has suddenly become available. Travel plans have been scrapped for countless vacationers, leaving them with unanticipated funds that they are investing in themselves.

  • Veneers (thin, non-invasive applications)
  • Invisalign (invisible aligners)
  • Teeth whitening (very effective professional systems)
  • Implants (best option for missing teeth)

This has provided both the means and opportunity to seek out cosmetic dentistry, with tooth whitening, tooth straightening, and other procedures proving popular. Patients have been able to consult with their dentists via Zoom, Skype, and other apps, allowing for the process to begin even before setting foot in the dentist’s office.


Smile makeovers are often complete overhauls of a smile that melts hearts in Melton, and whilst they have been popular in the past for certain age groups, They’re starting to see this diversify a lot more too.

Another possible factor in the upswing in interest might be that some prefer to be more subtle about having work done. By having their procedures done during social isolation, they have an excuse to not be seen for a couple of days, after which they return with “something different.” 

This has been a trying year on many fronts, with COVID having a major impact on virtually everyone’s life. Improving your smile with cosmetic dentistry can be a great way to give yourself a morale boost. If you have been considering a cosmetic procedure, now may be the perfect time to get it done. 

Thinking about cosmetic dentistry but not sure which procedure will be the best for your condition? 

There are multiple ways cosmetic dentistry can fix narrow smiles, worn and uneven teeth, In the meantime, you can view this cosmetic dentistry in Australia for dental treatments and a basic overview of what they offer and fees that you would like to pursue.